LECCO CAMPUS 6th - 16th JULY, 2018

Summer school 2018

Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading

in collaboration with
Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Lecco
CTE – Collegio dei Tecnici della IndustrializzazioneEdilizia
Politecnico di Milano Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
FIB– International Federation for Structural Concrete

Summer School Lecturers

György L. Balázs
Professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary. His main fields of activities are: experimental and analytical studies on concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures, FRC (fibre reinforced concretes), FRP (fibre reinforced polymers) as internally bonded reinforce-ments, externally bonded
reinforcements or near surface mounted reinforcements. Durability, Service Life. Fire resistance and fire design. Bond and cracking. HPC (high performance concrete). Sustainability.Serves as chairman of fib Commission on Dissemination of knowledge including fib-courses and fib Textbook on Advanced design of concrete structures. He founded the series of fib International PhD Symposia in Civil Engineering in 1996. He has been elected as President of fib for the period of 2011 and 2012. Served as Immediate Past President of fib for 2013 and 2014, continues then as Honorary President.

Marco di Prisco
Full Professor of Structural Design at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. Main research interests: constitutive modeling of plain and fibre reinforced concrete; fracture mechanics, composite materials; theoretical and experimental analysis on reinforcement-concrete interaction basic mechanisms; r/c, p/c, frc structures, prefabricated structures; structural response at exceptional loads; tunnel and bridge safety.
Honorary Editor of Engineering, member of the editorial board of the J. of Cement and Concrete Composites, member of fib, RILEM and ACI, expert member in DAC of RILEM, and in fib presidium, coauthor of the MC2010 chapters on FRC and convener of the Commission TC250/SC2/Wg1/Tg2 to introduce FRC in EC2.

Laurent Daudeville
Professor of Structural Engineering at the Faculty of Physics, Earth Science and Engineering of Université Grenoble Alpes. His main research topics concern the nonlinear modeling of civil engineering structures under transient dynamical loading (earthquakes, impacts). His collaborations, with CEA Gramat (French research center in
defence and security) and with Electricité de France (EDF), on the vulnerability of concrete structures submitted to impacts allowed developing a coupled finite element/discrete element model for the prediction of advanced damage in RC structures as well as performing tests for the identification of concrete behaviour at very high level of stresses. Meanwhile, Professor Daudeville is scientific advisor in the French agency for the evaluation of research and higher education (Hcéres), he is in charge of organizing the evaluations of national research bodies.

Dick Hordjik
Professor of Concrete Structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geoscience of Delft University of Technology and director/owner of Adviesbureau Hageman consultancy office in the Netherlands. Main research interests: forensic structural engineering, assessment of existing concrete structures, proof loading, monitoring (acoustic emission, ultrasonic pulse
measurements), theoretical, experimental and numerical analysis and constitutive modeling of concrete structures, fracture mechanics, fastenings, externally bonded FRP reinforcement, new types of concrete. Chief editor of the Dutch concrete journal “Cement” and editor of Heron. Member of fib and organizer of the 2017 Maastricht fib Symposium.

Summer school Programme



  • HPFRC Material behaviour at high strain rates and high temperature (Prof. M. di Prisco)
  • Meso-scale testing of FRC elements under blast and fire loads (Prof. M. di Prisco)
  • Full-scale tests under blast and fire loads (Prof. M. di Prisco)
  • Design of tunnel segments taking into account exceptional loads. (Prof. M. di Prisco)


  • Impact collapse: an introduction - phenomenology, examples, modeling approaches. (Prof. L. Daudeville)
  • Analytical and experimental approaches (Prof. L. Daudeville)
  • Trip on Lake Como


  • Trip to Grigna Mountain



  • Fire behaviour of structures (Prof. G. Balazs)
  • Concrete material response when exposed to high temperatures. (Prof. G. Balazs)
  • Predictive numerical simulation: methodology, comparison to experimental results for impact (Prof. L. Daudeville)
  • R/C barriers for impact loadings (Prof. L. Daudeville)


  • Introduction to structural assessment of infrastructures.
    (Prof. D. Hordjik)
  • Tests at SLS and ULS of Infrastructure (Prof. D. Hordjik)
  • Analytical and experimental approaches (Prof. G. Balazs)
  • Protecting structures for fire mitigation (Prof. G. Balazs)


  • Examples of assessment procedures (Prof. D. Hordijk)
  • Case studies (Prof. D. Hordijk)
Switch The Language

    Collegio dei Tecnici della Industrializzazione Edilizia

    L’associazione ha scopi esclusivamente culturali e si dedica allo studio ed al perfezionamento della industrializzazione dell’edilizia, mediante pubblicazioni, conferenze, concorsi, convegni, viaggi di studio, corsi di perfezionamento, raccolta di documentazione tecnico-scientifica ed ogni altro mezzo idoneo.


    Via Bianca Maria 35, 20122 Milano


    +39 327 9127660


    [email protected]
