Precast concrete support for Noor III, Ouarzazate, Morocco
The stuctural elements of cylindrical shape are part of to the project called Masen-NOORoIII 150 MW Tower CSP PLANT, in Ourzazate, Morocco.
The plant is a part of an extended development program for solar elecrticity production tha Morocco entrusted to the company Moroccan Agency For Solar Energy, “MASEN” wich aims to reach a productive capacity of 2000 MW by 2020.
This article presents a prefabricated and prestressed concrete structural element with an external diameter of 70 cm, used to support a heliostat of more than 150 square meters fixed on the top
They are monolithic vertical elements with an average legth of 900 cm that includes an underground part to realize a fixed support.
The plant, which is able to produce 150 MW, involves the pose of 7400 monoliths and related heliostats.

Manufacturer of prefabricated works: ARTEPREF SL – GERARDO DE LA CALLE GROUP – SPAIN
Structural designer of concrete works : Stefano Knisel – ITALY
La pubblicazione originale è disponibile agli Atti degli “ITALIAN CONCRETE DAYS” Roma, 27-28 ottobre 2016